Information for Customers Impacted by Colorado fires

We’re committed to keeping you connected.
Natural disasters, like fires, in your area could affect your XFINITY or Comcast Business services. Typically during weather or natural disasters, the two biggest impacts are commercial power outages and damage to our network. We work around the clock and use all our resources to restore services as quickly and as safely as possible.
Please visit Xfinity Storm Ready and Comcast Business Storm Ready for helpful resources and details on how your services could be impacted during a storm or severe weather.
This means proper planning in advance is essential – for our employees and for our customers. We do as much work as we can in advance to prepare for these events. To keep customers connected, we supplement work crews, bring in generators, and take other steps to ensure our systems, networks and operations centers are resilient.
Keeping our Network Connected:
Comcast is committed to keeping you connected, and our employees are working to protect our network and infrastructure by:
- Inspecting infrastructure to ensure all potential flammable materials are removed.
- Consistently checking batteries and backup generators to ensure proper fuel levels are in place in case of loss of power to the grid that feeds our site.
- Fire retardant sprayed with Phos-Chek (US Forest Approved) as additional protection around our site and other critical infrastructure.
- Heat/Fire resistant blankets used to cover critical vault locations and equipment if needed.
Customer Tips:
Below are a few easy steps our customers can take to stay connected in case of any weather or natural disaster-related outages.
Download our apps
- Xfinity My Account– Get updates on outages, report service interruptions, and see when your service is expected to be restored.
- Xfinity Stream– If you’re an Xfinity TV or Internet customer, download select shows and movies, so you always have something to watch during an outage or when you’re not at home.
- Xfinity Mobile – Xfinity Mobile customers, you can easily adjust your data plan at any time. Plus, you can turn your mobile phone into a personal hotspot if you need to connect multiple devices to the Internet and don’t have WiFi. Data rates apply.
Get real-time service updates through your mobile phone
Sign in to My Account below to update your contact information, including your mobile phone number, so you can receive updates about service interruptions.
Q: What should I do if my Xfinity service is down?
A: If your service is down, check My Account or the Status Center first to see if there’s a known outage in your area. If it shows an outage for your address, there is no need to call, as we’re monitoring our network and will work diligently to restore your service as soon as it is safe and feasible to do so. You may notice some temporary service interruptions while our technicians work to get everything repaired.
Q: Why am I experiencing a loss of Xfinity services?
A: If you are experiencing a loss of Xfinity services, please be aware this could be the result of a local power outage due to the fires since our network and your services require power to operate. Another possible cause of service loss could be fire-related damage to our network infrastructure that serves your neighborhood. We will work as diligently and safely as possible to restore your service, but please be aware that we typically must wait for local power companies to first restore power to your neighborhood and for local authorities to allow our teams into the area to repair our network.
Q: I have power, but my Xfinity services are out. Why don’t I have Xfinity services?
A: Even if your home has power, Comcast services can be disrupted for at least two reasons. First, the Comcast facilities that serve your neighborhood may have been damaged. Second, the location of the Comcast facilities that provide service to your home may be affected by a commercial power outage even if your home is not.
Please be assured we are working to restore service as diligently and safely as possible. Get outage updates for your area and information about your Xfinity service by visiting My Account, using the Xfinity My Account app, or checking the Status Center.
Comcast Business customers can visit
Q: The power has been restored in my home. How can I get my Xfinity services back up and running?
A: First, you can try unplugging your Xfinity equipment from its power source, waiting 5 seconds, and plugging your equipment back into the power source. Or, you can also use Xfinity My Account or the My Account app to reboot your equipment.
If that doesn’t work, then your service may be out because the fires have affected the Comcast network infrastructure that connects your home. We are working to restore service as diligently and safely as possible.
Q: I have TV service, but it goes in and out and the picture quality is not as good as usual.
A: Temporary fluctuations in your TV service may occur throughout the restoration period. You may experience brief losses of your TV services or degradation of picture quality while we are working to restore Xfinity services.
Q: My neighbor has TV, Internet and Voice services but I do not.
A: Even though your neighbor may have service, it’s possible that your home receives its Xfinity connection from another part of our network that has been damaged by the fire. Crews will restore services as quickly as possible.
Check My Account, the Xfinity My Account app, or the Status Center to see if an outage has been reported for your address. If your services are out, but it’s not reported, please notify us of your outage within My Account or by calling 1-800-XFINITY (1-800-934-6489).
Comcast Business customers can visit