Aurora Student Reaching For Her Dreams Despite COVID-19

Mi Nai San, whose friends call her Minnie, came to America from Burma when she was five years old. As a first-generation college student, she is interested in immigration law and dreams of one day becoming an immigration and criminal lawyer.
San recently started her first year at the University of Denver where she is a double major in political science and criminology. “I want to give back to my community, help the underrepresented people, and give a good name to immigration and immigrants,” San said.
Thankfully, COVID-19 has not stopped her from chasing those dreams. When schools went online in March, San and her family of seven were grateful to have low-cost, high-speed home internet through Internet Essentials from Comcast.
Having home internet helped me finish my senior year strong,” San said.
While San is at school at DU, her three younger sisters in elementary and high school are learning online at home, and the family is using the internet to stay connected. “My grandparents live alone so it’s really important for my mom to talk to and see her mom on a daily basis,” San said.
San recommends the program.
Not only is it low cost, it’s also really fast internet speed and you don’t have to worry about it ever crashing or anything like that. It’s really easy using it. Even for families whose parents don’t speak English it’s really easy for the kids to apply for it with minimal steps.”
San is grateful Internet Essentials is there to help families like hers with stable internet for a low cost.