Mad Money on CNBC Hosts Unique Experience at the Air Force Academy

As the nation reflects on 100 years of officially honoring our country’s Veterans this week, we wanted to say thank you to our veterans who proudly answered our country’s call, and thank you for your continuing service and sacrifice for our country.
We are always searching for new ways to create special experiences and opportunities to support the military community. Most recently, we brought “Mad Money” on CNBC with Jim Cramer to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.
On Friday, November 8, 200 cadets had a behind-the-scenes experience watching a live taping of the show and had the opportunity to ask Jim Cramer’s advice on investments during a lightening round of questioning.
During the show Cramer spoke to the importance of hiring members of the military community, because it’s good business. Comcast NBCUniversal has long recognized the incredible talent our military community brings to any company – they are problem solvers, they are inventive, they come up with solutions to diverse issues in high stress situations.
We hire at all levels – network engineering, technology, operations, theme parks and resorts, programming, customer service, leadership executives and more.
Our motivation is the belief that Service Matters – Service to Country, Service to Customers, Service to Communities.
Read more about this unique experience on The Gazette here.