For Rydne Williams, Military Values and Professional Growth Converge at Comcast
Rydne Williams wasn’t expecting to change companies, but when Comcast came across his radar, he said things just clicked.
“I did my homework on the company,” said Williams, who is a veteran of the U.S. Navy. “Would there be leaders that I could identify with? Would my values fit? Do they care about community, diversity, and employee development? All those boxes and more were checked for me. It’s going on eight years now, and it was one of the best professional decisions I ever made.”
Williams is the Area Vice President of Field Operations for Comcast’s Southern Colorado service area. He says Comcast’s commitment to community service, employees, and its treatment of staff make it a great place to work. And, as a member of the military community, he feels like his service is always honored by Comcast, and many tenants of his military training translate to his current work.
What he calls his “Drivers” are composed of three P’s: Performance, Progression and Personal.
“For me, I try to live by these three P’s, and share them as I engage with my teams,” Williams says. “How do we perform against our current goals? How do we grow from our current roles? What do we enjoy outside of work?” In his experience, when you’re able to connect with your employees personally and show you’re there to assist with their progression, the “sustainable” business performance organically follows.
Williams joined the U.S. Navy right after high school and spent his time in communications on an aircraft carrier overseas to include Desert Storm Gulf War. He learned telecommunications “from the ground up.”
Rydne Williams while serving in the U.S. Navy
Since being honorably discharged after five years of military service, he has spent 23 years in the civilian telecommunications space. While he has received a graduate degree, he considers himself a life learner. He appreciates how Comcast has grown and continues to evolve the way people live, work, and play.
He appreciates how Comcast prioritizes community service and values diversity in leadership and staffing. The values of teamwork, respect, discipline and commitment that he learned during his military service have been reflected in his experience at Comcast.
“In the military, I really learned the true value behind the sum of the whole is greater than the division of its parts,” said Williams. “It’s amazing what you can accomplish when everyone is willing to work toward a common goal. Accountability, ownership and responsibility are key military prerequisites to success, and Comcast values those attributes.”
Comcast supports its employees in the military community in many ways, and Williams says it’s their continuous acknowledgment and commitment to military service members that never goes unnoticed.
Williams says, “I am proud to work for Comcast who is committed to the community and hiring military. Comcast doesn’t let an opportunity like Veteran’s Day go by without formal acknowledgment.”