Fostering Connections to Connect More Coloradans to the Internet

The cost of housing is an increasingly complex challenge across the state of Colorado as the state’s diverse economy outperforms the nation and attracts new residents by the thousands. Fortunately, Colorado has a strong housing advocacy community working diligently to increase the amount of housing options in the state.
To that end, the industry’s 270-member association, Housing Colorado, gathered earlier this month for the 29th Annual Housing Colorado NOW! Conference to examine critical housing challenges. Comcast joined the conference this year to help foster connection and dialogue between business and industry leaders as we develop a strategic plan to address our housing needs.
Contributing to the conference’s theme of “Stable Homes, Stable Lives,” Comcast, Denver Housing Authority (DHA) and Mercy Loan Fund provided a panel session on the topic of “Digital Inclusion.” The panelists discussed the work being done to ensure everyone has access to an affordable internet connection at home and the opportunities it can create. The session highlighted Comcast and DHA’s partnership, and featured Comcast’s Internet Essentials program, which delivers low-cost, high-speed internet service to eligible households.
Comcast is actively building relationships with housing organizations across the state to connect more residents to the internet through the Internet Essentials program. We’re grateful to organizations like Housing Colorado and the Colorado chapter of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (CO NAHRO) for the work they do, for welcoming our efforts, and for helping us connect more Coloradans to the internet at home.